Why a blog?

Why not

I have been off dope for 8 years. I have about 15 years of life destructive behavior all in my brain and I have to find a way to let go and move on.

Years upon years of prostitution

There aren’t many of me haha where I was to who I am now, and I’m looking for an outlit and somewhere to tell my stories that are all unfortunately true.

I really don’t know how all this works but I really want my voice to reach struggling addicts and all the families living with addiction in their lives. In my work and in the town I see the pain of addiction daily. Where once I reflected with and had empathy for the struggle it seems lately I’m drawn to the family. Their despair and confusion over the loss of an addict close to them or watching their loved one in the struggle. I’d need to create new words that are synonymous to trauma and the excruciating pain I felt watching my own song be a heroin addict, so this is my blog