Too much to write 

My mind is full of so many thoughts, I wish I could just put on paper and be rid of them forever.

I work in a place where we get a lot of using addicts. Yesterday I heard screaming and yelling so I ran from the back room out to where the commotion was. Poor girl looked about 15. 

She was screaming about how someone told her we’d help her but she broke her headphones and we didn’t have the items she said she needed. A tent, etc. track marks  all over her arms I later found out she was indeed 19. I helped calm her down and found her headphones. 

I kept telling her to stop yelling we are good people here to help but she’s scaring the staff . I kept trying to get her outside which eventually she did, I gave her a cigarette and told her to come back if she needed anything to eat or clean clothes. I witnessed a shift, her eyes welling up at the confusion as to why I was being so kind to her. I told her she was going to be ok and that I cared about her and hope to see her again 

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